“Reduce any stress or anxiety with my calm and straightforward techniques”

Welcome to Penny Waite, EFT Practitioner & Personal Success Coach

EFT Practitioner<br />

EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique

Personal Coach<br />


Who are you and how can I help?

How would you like to experience joy, freedom and peace? Many of us just keep going, not realising that within our grasp are the feelings we want to experience, the life we want to be involved in....

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Questions & Answers About EFT

What is EFT? Emotional Freedom Techniques is the technique of tapping with the fingertips on different meridian points on the upper body while focusing on a problem. The purpose is to relieve...

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EFT and Fear of Flying

Emotional Freedom Technique Releases Fear of Flying For some of us, the idea of going on holiday, or travelling, is spoiled by the thought of dealing with overwhelming fear and panic at the thought...

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Leg Of Lamb

Here is a very short little story concerning habitual thinking which doesn't serve us. Mary always cut both ends off a leg of lamb before putting it in the oven to roast. One day, her husband, Alan,...

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The Energy of Gratitude

“Wake at dawn with a winged heart and 
give thanks for another day of loving.” 
                                           ~ Kahlil Gibran Gratitude/Appreciation is a state of mind – a choice you...

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The Energy of Permission

The energy of permission involves asking for permission, giving others permission and giving yourself permission. Asking for permission is to offer and show respect to yourself and to the world...

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